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Camden MP, Peter Sidgreaves plants a tree in Camden after making the announcement. Camden MP, Peter Sidgreaves plants a tree in Camden after making the announcement.
12 January 2023 Posted by 

Funds to cover Camden in Green: Big picture of impacting climate change

CAMDEN will share in up to $10M in funding to enhance tree canopy and green cover in local parks, streets and neighbourhoods.
Member for Camden, Peter Sidgreaves MP said the funding, awarded through the NSW Government's Greening our City program, will provide Camden Council with $950,000 to undertake priority tree planting and greening projects.
"Increasing the tree canopy in our local parks, streets and neighbourhoods will provide much needed shade and shelter from the heat, improve our air and water quality, overall health and wellbeing and build our resilience to climate change," Mr Sidgreaves said.
"This funding will help us progress a fantastic project for Camden which will provide at least 2,000 advanced trees. The project also includes the planting of micro-forest carbon sinks at key locations in order to provide dense canopy and cooling benefits with an additional 3,000 plants" Mr Sidgreaves said.
Minister for Planning and Minister for Homes  Anthony Roberts MP said 17 Greater Sydney councils would share in the funding, which will support 21 projects.
"More trees mean more shade, cooler suburbs, and more attractive places to live and work. The projects selected through the program will focus on cooling and greening streets, parks, and active transport routes all around Greater Sydney."
"We achieved our Greening our City Premier's Priority of planting one million trees by the end of 2022 ahead of target and we're now making in-roads into our longer-term goal of planting five million trees by 2030. These grants will continue our important work to increase Greater Sydney's tree cover."
The NSW Government is committed to reducing the impact of the urban heat island effect and improving the city's resilience to a changing climate through increased tree planting, green infrastructure, and policy change to ensure the planning system supports green cover well into the future.
For more information on the Greening our City program and the projects selected, visit:

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